Monday, April 16, 2012

Sweet Maida Biscuit / Diamond Cuts

Posted by sripriya On 11:16 PM No comments

Mom used to make these biscuits when ever we used to go for a picnic from school. This is how she made them


All purpose flour(maida) - 1 cup
Oil - 1 tsp
Sugar - 5 Tbsp
Salt - 1 tsp
Warm Water - 1/2 cup
Oil - for deep frying

1) Add oil,salt and sugar to the maida..
2) Make a dough by adding hot water.
3) Roll of the dough to a circle and make a vertical cut first and then a horizontal cut to form a daimond shape.
4) Deep fry them in oil.
5) Store them in air tight containers
These biscuits remain fresh for 4-5 days.


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