Monday, May 7, 2012

Potato Egg Kabab

Posted by sripriya On 10:56 PM No comments

Aloo Egg Kababs


This is very soft snack item .This dish is like dipping mashed
aloo in egg and fry it on pan.

Ingredients :

Potatoes 2 big
Eggs 2
Green Chilly 3 (finely chopped)
Mint Leaves 8 (finely chopped)
Coriander Leaves (finely chopped)
Red Chilly Powder 2 pinches
Turmeric Powder 1 pinch
Salt as per taste
Oil 1 tbsp

Preparation :
Boil potatoes and peel skin , mash potatoes very finely (like dough).
Now add finely chopped green chilies,mint leaves, coriander leaves
and salt. Mix it well. Keep it aside.

Now take 2 eggs . Add red chilly powder ,turmeric powder and
salt to eggs , and beat it perfectly.Now take small lemon size
potato mash and press itby keeping on the other hand.

Make 2-3 pieces.

Now heat omelet pan and spread 1/4 tsp oil on it.
Then dip those pieces in beaten egg and put it on the pan,
after a min turn to other side very softly, cook on
medium-low flame , till they get light golden brown colour.

Repeat it for all the pieces.

Now Aloo Egg kebabs are ready.

Children likes it very much.


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